Routine Care

Dental Sealants in Long Island City

At Hunters Point Dentistry in Long Island City, we are committed to preventive dental care, and Sealants play a pivotal role in this mission. Under the skilled expertise of Dr. Elena Cho, dental sealants are applied as a protective measure, especially for children and teens, to shield teeth from decay. These thin, protective coatings are applied to the chewing surfaces of back teeth, acting as a barrier against cavity-causing bacteria. Dr. Cho’s proficiency in applying Sealants ensures a swift and painless process, offering a proactive approach to maintaining long-term oral health for our patients in Long Island City.



  1. Cavity Prevention: Sealants effectively protect against tooth decay, especially in molars and premolars.
  2. Easy and Painless Application: The procedure is quick, non-invasive, and pain-free.
  3. Long-Lasting Protection: Once applied, they can protect teeth for several years.
  4. Cost-Effective: Sealants are an affordable way to prevent cavities and more costly dental treatments in the future.
  5. Suitable for All Ages: While ideal for children and teenagers, adults can also benefit from sealants.
Sealant | Your Dentist in Long Island City, NY


  1. Tooth Cleaning: The tooth is thoroughly cleaned before applying the sealant.
  2. Preparation: The tooth surface is prepared with a special solution to help the sealant bond.
  3. Application: The sealant material is painted onto the tooth enamel, where it bonds directly and hardens.
  4. Curing: The sealant is sometimes hardened with a special curing light.


  1. Avoid Hard Foods: For a short period after application, avoid hard or sticky foods.
  2. Regular Dental Hygiene: Continue regular brushing and flossing.
  3. Routine Dental Check-ups: Regular check-ups are important to monitor the condition of the sealants and overall oral health.

Dr. Elena Cho's recommendation

As a provider of dental sealants in Long Island City, I, Dr. Elena Cho, recommend sealants as an effective preventive measure against tooth decay. Particularly for children and adolescents, sealants provide a strong defense against cavities in the vulnerable grooves of back teeth. They are a simple, cost-effective solution for maintaining dental health and avoiding future dental issues. Regular dental visits and good oral hygiene, coupled with sealants, can significantly reduce the risk of cavities.