Comprehensive Therapy

Bone Graft in Long Island City

At Hunters Point Dentistry in Long Island City, our commitment to comprehensive dental care includes Bone Graft procedures, expertly performed by Dr. Elena Cho. A bone graft is a pivotal step in preparing for dental implants or other restorative procedures, especially in cases of bone loss. Dr. Cho’s proficiency in bone grafting ensures that patients receive the necessary foundation for future dental work, enhancing both functionality and aesthetics. Our approach prioritizes patient comfort and successful outcomes, making Hunters Point Dentistry a trusted destination for Bone Graft procedures in Long Island City.



  1. Support for Implants: Provides a stable base for dental implants.
  2. Restores Bone Loss: Helps rebuild bone lost due to periodontal disease or tooth loss.
  3. Improves Facial Structure: Prevents facial sagging caused by bone loss.
  4. Increases Success Rates: Enhances the success of implants and other dental procedures.
  5. Prevents Further Bone Loss: Helps maintain the jawbone’s shape and density.


  1. Assessment: Comprehensive evaluation and planning.
  2. Anesthesia: Local or general anesthesia is administered.
  3. Grafting: Bone material is placed in the required area.
  4. Closure: The site is closed and secured.


  1. Post-Procedure Care: Follow all post-operative care instructions.
  2. Diet: Soft foods are recommended initially.
  3. Oral Hygiene: Gentle cleaning, avoiding the graft site directly.
  4. Activity: Limit physical activities as recommended.
  5. Follow-Up Visits: Attend follow-up appointments for monitoring.

Dr. Elena Cho's recommendation

As a provider of bone grafting in Long Island City, I, Dr. Elena Cho, recommend this procedure for patients needing dental implants but lacking sufficient bone support. Bone grafting is a game-changer, enabling successful implantation and long-term oral health. It’s important to follow through with the procedure and adhere to post-operative care for the best outcomes.